In society today, erectile dysfunction (ED) is a secret condition and is considered taboo. Consider the following two facts. Over 50% of men between the ages of 40-70 experience or will experience ED and 90% of men with ED don’t seek treatment. Yet 90% of Men who do seek treatment, which ranges from medication to Focused shockwave therapy, see significant improvements.
One of the biggest problems is that no man wants to admit to not being able to have intercourse, and no man wants other people to know about such a problem.
This includes not talking to their partners, or Doctors and not even their lifelong closest friends. It is a real problem in society today, that something as common as Erectile Dysfunction is such a taboo, and men with this problem cannot be honest about it. If a man broke his leg, had diabetes, or suffered a heart attack all their friends and relatives would know. With Erectile Dysfunction, most men suffer in silence.
People often ask whether this condition is just physical. The answer is no. It is not just physical, it is both mental and physical. Surprisingly 75% of ED causes are vascular in nature. That is problem-related to the flow of blood from your heart through to the millions of blood vessels in the penis
Think about driving a car, the ignition starts the car, and the fuel or petrol enables the car to move, this is like your brain telling you to have an erection, and you need the blood to run into the penis to cause an erection. You need both your mind and healthy blood flow to have an erection.
So what treatments are there for men? There are obvious treatments, which might be fine to start with but can lead to problems with over-use. Your Doctor may recommend a penile pump that draws blood up the penis or injections that cause you to have an erection.
Or the most drastic option is going under the surgeon’s knife and having penile implants. With penile implants, you lose sensitivity and can never again have a natural erection. The new gold standard treatment is Shockwave therapy or Focused Extra Corporeal shockwave therapy. This is the most successful treatment for Erectile Dysfunction and is pain-free. In order for a man to have an erection he needs up to 20 times as much blood in the penis as when it is soft.
Shockwave therapy delivers more blood to the penis, by creating more blood vessels. The more blood vessels, the more blood and the harder the penis. Shockwave therapy causes angiogenesis which is the body’s reaction to creating new blood vessels, imagine it like a tree root growing in the penile tissues. The focused shockwaves can further break or disintegrate the micro plaques within the blood vessels allowing better blood flow. The energy waves signal and activate your body’s own stem cells to repair damaged penile tissues.
In the long-term effect, Neurogenesis occurs, this is the body’s reaction to creating new nerves. The more nerve cells, the more sensitive the penis, and the more you feel, then the easier the arousal and the better the erections. This is critically important for men who have had prostate surgery and following radical prostatectomy, find that they suffer total or partial erectile dysfunction.
But a word of caution. Not all shockwave therapy is the same. There is medical equipment on the market that ranges from a few thousand dollars to six-figure sums. The low-end shockwave may have a use in a beauty salon or a physiotherapist, but it is simply not strong enough to restore male sexual function and you should approach specialist men’s sexual health clinics. If you are looking for treatment, first identify which type of shockwave a medical clinic is offering. The basic shockwave is called a radial shockwave. This is not suitable in any circumstance to treat erectile dysfunction. Radial shockwave emits pressure waves across a wide area at 10 meters a second. Focused shockwave sends our sound waves at 1500 meters a second and is focused on precise areas. Because of the speed and precision, focused shockwave therapy targets individual blood vessels, causing them microtrauma, which leads them to split, heal and proliferate, leading to many more millions of blood vessels in your penis. It also clears the micro debris from these blood vessels. But, there are no side effects and it is extremely healthy and regenerative.
So does focused shockwave work for everyone? If your problem is vascular in nature (to do with blood flow) or nerve-related, the focused shockwave has excellent outcomes. But it does depend on the severity of the condition. If you are in a situation where you haven’t had a single erection for ten years, then the situation is more challenging and the more advanced clinics, have a range of technical solutions in addition to shockwave therapy like electromagnetic Transduction Therapy, Nano Vi Exo and the state of art Tesla Chair. Mansmatters is based in Knightsbridge Central London, 100 meters away from the world-famous Harrods department store. They are the leading non-invasive men’s health clinic in Europe and treat men all over the world.