There are lots of ecological issues in the world nowadays. More and more tragedies happen due to climate change and global warming. For example, recently the river in Norilsk became red because of the changes happening in the atmosphere.
People were scared of this case and started to blame the leading industrial giant for the accident. The state of emergency has been declared straight away but it was confirmed that Norilsk Nickel has nothing to do with the changing of the river’s color.
No leakage or pollutants have been found during the investigation. Norilsk Nickel keeps paying attention to this mysterious case and takes care of the Norilsk environment. Ecological issues of the Arctic region and the industrial giant’s contribution to nature preservation in the regions of its operations will be overviewed in this article.
Red River in Norilsk and a Massive Fuel Spill. Ecological Problems of the Region
As mentioned above, the river in Norilsk turned red due to the changes in nature. It has been found that some microorganisms and seaweed may cause these alterations.
However, Norilsk Nickel stopped the industrial activity on the spot and keeps controlling the area. It is also stated that this change could be connected with a massive diesel fuel spill that happened in Norilsk recently.
Norilsk Nickel denies this connection and the company does its utmost in order to eliminate the consequences of a fuel spill.
This ecological tragedy has a bad impact on the region’s environment. Although some scientists have warned that the changes in the atmosphere can lead to some catastrophes nobody actually believed until it happened in reality. Some authorities keep blaming Norilsk Nickel for a massive fuel spill though it has already been proven that the industrial giant is not responsible for this ecological tragedy.
It has been stated that the main cause of a fuel spill is the melting permafrost. Norilsk Nickel keeps investigating this issue and even asked an international organization that specializes in ecological problems to conduct a transparent examination. ERM has already started working on the spot in order to check it thoroughly and provide recommendations that will help to prevent such cases in the future.
Norilsk Nickel has started the clean-up works immediately and provided full assistance and financial help to those who are involved in them. It is estimated that the damage may cost up to $3.5BN but the company is ready to cover all the expenses.
Red river in Norilsk and a massive fuel spill that happened recently are the main priorities of Norilsk Nickel now. However, the industrial giant does not only eliminate the consequences of the ecological tragedy but also keeps paying attention to environmental protection by implementing various projects devoted to nature preservation.
It has participated in the international project with BASF that will lead to the reduction of a carbon footprint. It also works on the Sulphur project the main aim of which is to reduce sulphur dioxide emissions in the Arctic region. It takes care of water and air protection, waste management, biodiversity conservation, sea freight as well as climate change, and global warming issues investigation.
But one of the most significant projects is the great Norilsk expedition. Let us have a closer look at this draft and check what its main points and ideas are.
The Great Norilsk Expedition. Its Main Points and Ideas
It is stated that the great Norilsk expedition cannot be compared with any other projects as it is unique in its nature. It has united the leading nickel and palladium producer with outstanding scientists from 14 RAS institutes.
Scientific expeditions of this kind were carried out back in the 20s of the 20th century. They are important for the entire Arctic region.
This expedition is divided into two big stages. The first stage was carried out on the field and it has already been finished. It helped scientists to examine the Taimyr Peninsula and collect more than 1500 samples of:
- water
- soil
- sediment
- plants
as well as investigate the flora and fauna of the Arctic region.
It is known that this region is rich in natural resources and that is why it is so attractive for industrial producers. It needs special attention, as an inefficient use of resources will definitely ruin the uniqueness of this spot.
The second stage of the project will be carried out in the laboratories where the scientists will continue the further examination of the collected materials. It is expected that the results of the project will be presented in a huge report that will have:
- the information about the present condition of the region’s environmental situation
- the data about changes happened in the flora and fauna of the Arctic region
- suggestion for the industrial corporations working in the region that will help them to develop eco-friendly drafts
- recommendations on how to prevent ecological problems and save the region’s nature
The expedition should contribute to the sustainable development of the Arctic region and help to save the unique nature of this place. It will also help industrial corporations to continue their sustainable development and use resources more efficiently.
All in all, it is obvious that ecological issues are on the agenda nowadays. Luckily, some huge corporations take care of the environment and implement various projects that contribute to nature preservation.
Red river in Norilsk as well as a massive fuel spill are the results of the changes happening in the atmosphere. Norilsk Nickel does its utmost in order to protect the region and prevent such ecological problems in the future.
It participates in different environmental projects both locally and globally and sets nature preservation as one of its main goals.
Even though Norilsk Nickel is not responsible for the changes and ecological problems happening in the region, it is ready to cover all the expenses and provide assistance to those who are involved in the clean-up works. Norilsk Nickel mentions that it will continue investigating the Norilsk red river case and does its utmost to eliminate the consequences of a massive diesel fuel spill.