As you might have heard, aspirin has a lot of different uses. It is a versatile little pain reliever and reduces fever and swelling.
You might not know that aspirin can also provide some beauty and personal benefits. These white pills are fairly cheap, so you can always confirm this for yourself.
Here are seven interesting tricks you can use this medication for.
1. Chemical Uses for Aspirin
Stuck on an empty road with a dead battery in your car? You can always use aspirin to MacGyver your way out of this particular jam.
Put two tablets of aspirin into a battery cell, and wait for about an hour. The acetylsalicylic acid in aspirin and the sulfuric acid in the battery should spark a chemical reaction. This will give you enough power to get to the nearest mechanic.
2. Remove Sweat Stains
Sweat stains on shirts can be annoying, right? Fortunately, the salicylic acid found in aspirin is an excellent way to deal with this problem.
First, put the sweat-stained part of your shirt into a large bowl. Then, mix three crushed aspirins with a glass of warm water, and pour the mixture into the bowl. Let the shirt sit for a few hours, then wash it as usual.
3. Treat Chlorinated Hair
Summer beach trips are always fun, but they come with a price. The combination of chlorine and sun exposure causes your hair to lose its color and luster.
Again, the salicylic acid can help in this regard. Dissolve six aspirin tablets in a glass of warm water, and coat your hair for fifteen minutes. Rinse and repeat the next day.
4. Keep Flowers Fresh
When it comes to surprising uses for aspirin, this one is particularly noteworthy. If you’d like your cut flowers to last longer, simply drop eight crushed aspirins into the vase water. For best results, keep the vase at room temperature.
How does this work? The acid in aspirin helps keep the water clean and bacteria-free. That’s why most flowers thrive in acidic soil.
5. Get Rid of Acne
Need to deal with an annoying zit on your face? Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, aspirin is the perfect solution.
Crush up four to five aspirin tablets in a bowl, then add a small amount of water. Stir until you have a pasty mixture, and apply it to your acne. Leave it on for ten minutes before washing it off.
6. Repair Drywall
That pasty mixture from the previous example can also be used for other purposes. For example, patching up holes in your drywall.
Apply the mixture to the hole. Once it dries up, the paste will act as an adhesive. You just saved yourself a trip to the convenience store!
7. Hide a Hickey
Finally, the aspirin paste can help you hide a love bite. Again, simply apply the mixture to the affected area. Leave it there for approximately ten minutes, then wash it off.
8. Lemon and Aspirin
Cook half a lemon on the stove until small bubbles form inside. Turn off the stove and let the lemon cool. Crush 1 aspirin in a bowl. Squeeze the lemon juice onto the aspirin and mix well. Store the mixture in a container (refrigerate if making extra). Apply the mixture to your chest and back, then wrap it with a cloth before bedtime. Repeat for 2-3 days.
If you’re wondering why this works, it’s because the paste increases the blood flow to your skin. This will reduce the appearance of the mark in no time.
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